7 Effective Ways to Increase Your Vitamin D Levels

7 Effective Ways to Increase Your Vitamin D Levels

You may be able to get more vitamin D levels by increasing your time in the sunlight, taking a supplement, and eating certain foods, including mushrooms.

Discover the importance of Vitamin D levels for your health. Find out more at Health Wisdom Time.

Vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins which are essential for your body, including building and maintaining strong bones.

A low vitamin D intake is of great concern both globally and in the public health sector. Notably, it is estimated that vitamin D deficiency is affecting 13% of the world’s population.

The following are 7 effective ways to increase your vitamin D levels.

7 Effective Ways to Increase Your Vitamin D Levels
7 Effective Ways to Increase Your Vitamin D Levels 5

What is Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is fat-soluble vitamin which mainly helps the absorption of calcium and the growth of bones and mineralization. It participates in the different mechanisms of your immune, digestive, circulatory and nervous systems.

Recent studies show that vitamin D may aid in controlling multiple diseases, including depression, diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disorders. Yet, the role of vitamin D levels in these diseases is still unclear.

How much do you need?

The scientists disagree on the question of how much vitamin D your body needs.

While the U.S. National Academy of Medicine considers 600-800 IU of daily vitamin D to be sufficient for the majority of the population, the U.S. Endocrine Society recommends 1,500-2,000 IU per day.

The Reference Daily Intake (RDI) is now set at 600-800 IU of vitamin D for adults according to the guidelines of the U.S. National Academy of Medicine.

The ideal blood level for vitamin D has not exactly been determined and it probably is between 20 and 50 ng/ml.

As the National Academy of Medicine of U.S. proposes that daily vitamin D intake of 4,000 IU is safe for most people but that very high doses may be temporarily required to lift blood levels in some people.

Even though toxicity is rare, it is always better to avoid vitamin D supplements more than 4,000 IU per day without first seeking medical advice.

1. Spend time in sunlight

Vitamin D levels, commonly known as “the sunshine vitamin”, is an extremely beneficial micronutrient as it has multiple health benefits that promotes the health.

The type of cholesterol established in your skin plays the role of precursor to vitamin D levels. The fraction transforms into vitamin D when UV-B radiation that comes from the sun hits it.

In truth, solar vitamin D could exist in the system for up to four times as long as the nutrient from food or supplements.

Nevertheless, the amount of vitamin D your body can make indirectly relies on several variables, such as.

Skin tone and age

Heavy-colored people should spend more time in the sun to make it over to the vitamin D whereas people with light skin need less time in the sun to achieve it. This is why as people with more melanin, we have early vitamin D absorption and we canx withstand the UV light than people with clear skin.

Young individuals and those belonging to young age groups will also find themselves impacted with the growing use of technologies. Along with aging, the vitamin D production in the skin tissue of your organism will decrease.

Geographical location and season

The further you get from the equator, the less amount of the vitamin D you’ll make year-round since that’s the area that minimizes contact with the sun.

However, compared with the latter, your chances for proper sun exposure are opposite course of the latitude the closer to the equator you are.

Sunscreen and clothing

7 Effective Ways to Increase Your Vitamin D Levels

Heavy-colored people require more sun exposure to boost their vitamin D levels compared to individuals with lighter skin. Additionally, geographical location, season, sunscreen usage, and clothing choices also impact vitamin D absorption.

The production of vitamin D is limited due to the type of clothing used and the number of sunscreens which can even stop the completely production of vitamin D Levels.

However, the key point here is the downside of preventing skin cancer; i.e., unprotected sun exposure as little as fifteen minutes will provide vitamin D Levels to your body.

Normally, there’s no official guideline about this duration. However, there are sources that have of 8–15 minutes of exposure as enough to manufacture as many vitamin D sufficient for people with lighter complexion. It takes to some people, particularly those with light skin, more sunlight exposure to produce enough Vitamin D.

Your skin has the remarkable ability to generate significant amounts of vitamin D naturally through exposure to the sun’s UV-B rays. Nevertheless, numerous factors intricately influence and modulate this intricate process.

2. Consume fatty fish and seafood

7 Effective Ways to Increase Your Vitamin D Levels 6

Fatty fish and seafood are the natural foods that contain the highest levels of Vitamin D in their constituents.

And more than surprising is the fact that 3.5-ounce (100 grams) of canned salmon can provide up to 50% of Recommended Dietary Intake equivalent to 386 IU of vitamin D levels.

As for seafood, the level of vitamin D it contains can wind up being specific for the kind and type of seafood involved. To illustrate this, several studies report that domesticated salmon offer just a quarter of the amount wild-caught salmon contains.

Additional varieties of fish and seafood abundant in vitamin D levels comprise

  • tuna
  • mackerel
  • oysters
  • shrimp
  • sardines
  • anchovies

These foods often contain essential elements good for a balanced diet like fiber, polyunsaturated fats, and vitamins.

3. Eat more mushrooms

Mushrooms are the only capsules of vitamin D accessible without the involvement of an animal.

Just like human, mushrooms can also synthesize its own vitamin D sufficient to the needs of the organism when exposed to UV lights. The process of vitamin D production in humans is slightly different than that of mushrooms. In humans, a physical or mechanical chance is taken by the organism which leaves behind a trace of vitamin D3 or cholecalciferol, but mushrooms produce D2 or ergocalciferol.

Both kinds of the vitamin do this. Compared to that of D2, level of the D3 after vitamin D-raised is said to be higher and stronger. Nonetheless, the matter still seems to need more research.

And although the amount of vitamin D levels in mushrooms is dependent on the kind of mushroom, it turned out that there some varieties — for instance, wild maitake mushrooms — provide so much as 2005 IU in 3.5-ounce (100-gram) serving. By the way, it is about 3 times the RDI, that is, 297%.

Through the sunshine they enjoy, wild mushrooms are known to have vitamin D at an appropriate level than are their cultivated cousins. In the same way, there is also a choice for mushrooms that are exposed to UV treat.

Nevertheless, you should be very careful and identify the mushrooms you are collecting and approach a supplier of reliable quality like a grocery store or farmers market to avoid dangerous pesticides.

Similar to humans, mushrooms generate vitamin D when they are exposed to UV light. Wild mushrooms, or those cultivated commercially and subjected to UV light treatment, exhibit the highest levels of vitamin D levels

4. Include Egg yolks in Your Diet

Vitamin D are supplied in eggs yolks and eggs are a good routine to add.

Egg yolks
7 Effective Ways to Increase Your Vitamin D Levels 7

Unlike many other natural food items, the egg yolk vitamin D value can vary quite a bit.

Factory farm based chickens that aren’t provided with the outdoors typically produce eggs that are used for the purpose of supplying only 2–5% of the RDI.

On the other hand, some studies suggest that eggs from grazing or range chickens contain up to 4 times more, or 20% — when they have enough time spent in the open.

Chicken’s food can even modify the vitamin D content of eggs. It has also been observed that the content of vitamin D in yolks can be more than 100% RDI in birds that have been fed with vitamin D rich grains.

Eggs from free-range and pastured chickens are excellent sources of vitamin D. Chickens that have access to sunlight produce higher levels of vitamin D in their eggs compared to those that are kept indoors.

5. Eat fortified foods

Due to the limited presence of vitamin D in natural food sources, it is commonly supplemented in essential products through a procedure called fortification. It is crucial to note that the accessibility of vitamin D-fortified foods differs from one country to another, and the quantity added can vary among different brands and types of products.

Examples of commonly fortified items encompass

  • cow’s Milk
  • plant-based milk alternatives like soy, almond, and hemp milk
  • orange juice
  • ready-to-eat cereals
  • certain types of yogurt
  • Tofu

If you are uncertain whether a specific food item has been enriched with vitamin D, examine its list of ingredients.

6. Take a supplement

For numerous individuals, incorporating a vitamin D supplement into their routine might be the most effective method to guarantee sufficient intake

Vitamin D is present in two primary biological forms—D2 (ergocalciferol) and D3 (cholecalciferol). Generally, D2 is sourced from plants, while D3 is derived from animals.

Studies indicate that D3 may be notably more efficient in elevating and sustaining overall vitamin D levels compared to D2. Therefore, it is recommended to choose a supplement containing this form.

Furthermore, it is crucial to invest in high-quality supplements that undergo independent testing. In certain countries, such as the United States, nutritional supplements lack strict regulation, potentially compromising their quality.

Opting for supplements tested for purity and quality by a third party is advisable. Trusted organizations for such assessments include the U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP), Informed-Choice, ConsumerLab.com, or the Banned Substances Control Group (BSCG).

Dosages of Vitamin D supplements can differ, and the appropriate amount depends on your existing vitamin D levels.

In general, a daily dose of 1,000–4,000 IU is regarded as a safe range for maintaining healthy vitamin D levels for most individuals.

Nevertheless, there might be situations where a significantly larger dose is necessary, particularly if your current vitamin D levels are very low or if you have limited exposure to sunlight.

Therefore, it is advisable to consult with your healthcare provider and have your vitamin D levels tested to determine the most suitable dosage for your needs.

Most vitamin D supplements are sourced from animals, making them unsuitable for vegans. However, there are a few vegan-friendly options available.

As vitamin D2 is plant-derived, D2 supplements are generally suitable for vegans and are readily accessible.

While Vegan D3 is not as prevalent as D2, it can be produced from lichens. You are more likely to encounter these supplements in specialty health stores or online.

Supplements are frequently necessary if you do not get sufficient vitamin D from your diet or exposure to sunlight. The most effective approach to determine the suitable dosage is to have your vitamin D levels checked before considering supplementation.

7. Try a UV lamp

Lamps that emit UV-B radiation can also enhance your vitamin D levels, although these lamps may come with a significant cost.

When your skin is exposed to UV-B radiation from the sun, it can naturally produce vitamin D. UV lamps replicate this sun-induced action and can be particularly beneficial if your exposure to sunlight is limited due to geographical constraints or spending extended periods indoors.

While UV radiation has been utilized for therapeutic purposes in treating various skin conditions for many years, only recently has it been promoted as a method to enhance vitamin D levels.

Safety is a crucial consideration with these devices, as excessive exposure could lead to skin burns. It is generally recommended to restrict your exposure to no more than 15 minutes at a time.

You have the option to buy UV-B radiation-emitting lamps to stimulate vitamin D production. Nevertheless, these lamps can be costly and pose a risk if used for more than 15 minutes consecutively.

Inclusion criteria: Research conducted in English, publications providing information on the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in Canada, studies involving participants from the general population or individuals with kidney disease, research involving both children and adults, and studies published between January 1998 and July 17, 2009.

Exclusion criteria: Studies encompassing subjects defined by a specific disease other than kidney disease, letters, comments, and editorials, as well as studies measuring serum vitamin D levels without reporting the percentage of subjects falling below a specified threshold.


In summary, adopting the following strategies can contribute significantly to enhancing your vitamin D levels:

  1. Sunlight Exposure: Regular exposure to sunlight, especially during peak hours, remains a primary and natural means of boosting vitamin D synthesis in the skin.
  2. Dietary Choices: Incorporating vitamin D-rich foods such as fatty fish, fortified dairy products, and egg yolks can positively impact your overall vitamin D intake.
  3. Supplements: When natural sources are insufficient, vitamin D supplements offer a convenient and effective way to meet your daily requirements, particularly during seasons with limited sunlight.
  4. Mushroom Consumption: Including UV-exposed or wild mushrooms in your diet can provide an additional source of vitamin D, contributing to overall nutritional balance.
  5. Cod Liver Oil: As a natural supplement, cod liver oil stands out as a potent source of both vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids, offering a dual health benefit.
  6. Exercise: Engaging in regular physical activity has been associated with improved vitamin D levels, underscoring the importance of an active lifestyle.
  7. Frequent Monitoring: Periodic assessment of your vitamin D levels through blood tests ensures awareness of your status, allowing for timely adjustments in your approach to maintain optimal levels.

By incorporating these evidence-based practices into your routine, you can effectively enhance and maintain adequate vitamin D levels, promoting overall health and well-being.

Vitamin D is a crucial nutrient that is insufficient in many people globally.

Nevertheless, you can increase your vitamin D levels by increasing sun exposure, incorporating vitamin D-rich foods into your diet, or using supplements.

If you believe you may have a deficiency in this essential nutrient, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional to have your levels assessed.

Q1: Why is vitamin D important for the body?

A: Vitamin D is crucial for various bodily functions, including maintaining bone health, supporting the immune system, and regulating mood.

Q2: How can I increase my vitamin D levels through sunlight?

A: Spend time outdoors in sunlight, especially during peak hours, and expose your skin to the sun. Aim for about 10-30 minutes several times a week, depending on factors like skin type and geographical location.

Q3: Are there vegan-friendly options for vitamin D supplements?

A: Yes, vitamin D2 supplements, derived from plants, are often vegan-friendly. Additionally, some Vegan D3 supplements made from lichens are available.

Q4: Can I get too much vitamin D from supplements or sunlight?

A: Excessive vitamin D intake can be harmful. It’s essential to have your levels checked before supplementing and to follow recommended guidelines for sun exposure and supplement dosages.

Q5: What are some food sources rich in vitamin D?

A: Foods like fatty fish (salmon, mackerel), fortified dairy and plant-based milk, eggs, and mushrooms exposed to sunlight are good sources of vitamin D levels.

Q6: Can UV lamps be a safe alternative for increasing vitamin D levels?

A: UV lamps emitting UV-B radiation can stimulate vitamin D production, but caution is needed. Limit exposure to 15 minutes at a time, and consider safety guidelines to prevent skin burns.

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