10 Simple Strategies for Easing Anxiety Naturally

Easing Anxiety Naturally

Easing anxiety naturally can be challenging, but there are various natural remedies that can help you feel better naturally. Strategies like getting enough sleep, limiting caffeine intake, practicing meditation, and drinking chamomile tea can all contribute to easing anxiety naturally.

It’s important to recognize that while some anxiety is a normal part of life and can even be beneficial in certain situations when stress persists for a long time, it can develop into an anxiety disorder.

In the U.S., lots of adults deal with anxiety disorders every year—more than 20% of them, in fact. They might feel nervous, jittery, or have a fast heartbeat. But the good news is, that anxiety disorders can be treated, and natural remedies can be a big help in making you feel better.

Understanding Anxiety: Exploring its Causes and Symptoms

Woman Holding Her Head
10 Simple Strategies for Easing Anxiety Naturally 5

Anxiety is how our bodies react to stress, making us feel scared or worried. It comes from a mix of things like our genes, what’s around us, and how our brains work. 

Sometimes we all feel a little anxious, from just feeling uneasy to really upset. But for some people, it’s like they’re worried all the time. This can make it hard to do normal stuff and feel good overall, which might mean they have an anxiety disorder.

Anxiety can mess with doing regular things and make it tough to feel okay, whether there’s a clear reason for it or not.

Common signs of anxiety often include:

  • Racing heart
  • Fast breathing
  • Feeling jittery
  • Difficulty focusing

Anxiety can come in different forms for different people. While you might feel butterflies in your stomach, others might:

  • Having panic attacks
  • Developing a cough
  • Experiencing sweating
  • Having nightmares
  • Experiencing painful thoughts
  • Experiencing itching sensations
  • Feeling the urge to defecate

Worrying all the time about different things, whether they’ve happened or not, might mean you have an anxiety disorder or something similar.

Anxiety plays a significant role in conditions such as:

  • Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
  • Social anxiety disorder
  • Panic disorder
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Separation anxiety
  • Phobias
  • Illness anxiety

 Simple Ways to Manage and easing Anxiety Naturally

Depression and anxiety
Depression and anxiety

Using natural remedies along with regular treatments can be safe, but it’s best to talk to a doctor first. Changes in diet or supplements might affect how your anxiety medication works.

If you’re dealing with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), there are ways you can help yourself feel better. While therapy and medication are common treatments, researchers are also exploring natural remedies.

Remember to talk to your doctor before trying anything new, including supplements. They’re not as closely regulated by the FDA, and they might affect everyone differently.

Physical activity:

Regular exercise is not only beneficial for your physical health but also plays a crucial role in improving mental well-being, including reducing anxiety. Even just one session of moderate-intensity exercise can lead to a temporary decrease in anxiety levels.

Over time, regular exercise can also help alleviate long-term anxiety symptoms. Studies have shown that physically active individuals have a significantly lower risk of developing anxiety symptoms compared to those who are less active.

Excellent options for aerobic workouts include:

  • Brisk walking or running
  • Lap swimming
  • Cycling
  • Playing tennis
  • Trekking
  • Engaging in football or rugby matches
  • Attending aerobic exercise classes

Aim to incorporate at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise into your weekly routine for easing anxiety naturally

Moderate exercise should make your heart beat faster and your breathing speed up which will help in easing anxiety naturally.


Meditation has been around for a long time. In the past, people used it to understand spiritual things. Now, most people use it to relax and feel less stressed. Meditation is a kind of therapy for your mind and body. It helps you relax deeply and clear your mind.
When you meditate, you focus on just one thing. This helps get rid of all the busy thoughts in your head that make you feel stressed. Doing this can make you feel better both physically and emotionally.

Efficient Time Use:

When you have a lot to do, like taking care of family, work, and health, it can make you feel worried. Making a plan for what you need to do next can help you feel less anxious.

Using simple time management methods can also help reduce worry. Breaking big tasks into smaller ones can make them easier to handle and less stressful.

The Caffeine-Anxiety Connection:

Caffeine, commonly found in coffee, tea, and energy drinks, can exacerbate anxiety symptoms. Studies show it may increase anxiety and panic attacks, particularly in those with panic disorder. This is recognized in the DSM-5-TR, used by mental health professionals.

 Caffeine blocks adenosine, promoting alertness, while triggering adrenaline release, heightening anxiety. Cutting back on caffeine gradually can help manage symptoms, as excessive intake disrupts sleep and increases heart rate, worsening anxiety. Opting for caffeine-free drinks may help easing anxiety naturally.

Prioritizing Your Tasks:

Prioritizing tasks is important for managing your time well. You need to figure out which tasks are urgent and which ones can wait. Make a list of what needs to be done first and break big tasks into smaller ones.

If you need help, don’t be afraid to ask. Focus on what’s important and let go of things that aren’t as necessary right now. This way, you can stay organized and get things done efficiently.

By managing this, you can reduce your anxiety levels and feel more in control of your day.

Optimal Nutrition for Easing Anxiety Naturally:

Making changes to what you eat and how you live can affect how you feel. Things like not having enough sugar in your blood, not drinking enough water, or eating too many processed foods with artificial stuff in them can make you feel more anxious.

Eating lots of good stuff like whole grains, fruits, veggies, and lean meats, and making sure you drink enough water can help you feel better. Also, getting regular exercise, quitting smoking if you smoke, and not drinking too much alcohol are important for keeping your mind healthy and easing anxiety naturally.

When you take care of your body and make smart choices, you can feel more calm and balanced in your life.

Here are some foods known for their potential for easing anxiety naturally:

  1. Whole grains like oats and quinoa
  2. Fresh fruits such as berries and bananas
  3. Leafy green vegetables like spinach and kale
  4. Lean proteins like chicken and fish
  5. Nuts and seeds such as almonds and chia seeds
  6. Dairy products like Greek yogurt and cottage cheese

Including these foods in your diet may contribute to lower anxiety levels and better overall mental health.

Exploring Support Options for Easing Anxiety Naturally:

Connecting with support groups offers valuable insights into managing anxiety and provides opportunities to interact with individuals facing similar challenges. Notable organizations like Anxiety UK, Mind, and Rethink Mental Illness offer platforms for sharing experiences and receiving guidance.

These groups facilitate in-person meetings where participants can openly discuss their struggles and seek support. Additionally, many support networks extend assistance through phone consultations and written resources.

To locate local anxiety support groups, consult your GP or explore online mental health resources available in your area.

Navigating Anxiety: Effective Strategies for Easing Anxiety Naturally

Expressive angry businessman in formal suit looking at camera and screaming with madness while hitting desk with fist
10 Simple Strategies for Easing Anxiety Naturally 6

Combatting Anxiety involves a multifaceted approach endorsed by mental health professionals. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) stands out as a proven method for easing anxiety naturally, offered through in-person or online sessions for flexibility.

For severe cases, medications like antidepressants or sedatives may be prescribed to rebalance brain chemistry and ease symptoms.

A holistic approach integrating talk therapy, medication, and self-care practices offers promising outcomes, reducing both the frequency and intensity of anxiety episodes.

Natural remedies like regular exercise, aromatherapy, deep breathing, and herbal teas like chamomile complement conventional treatments, promoting relaxation and well-being.

Seeking professional help for persistent or worsening anxiety is crucial. Through tailored interventions, individuals can find relief from severe or persistent symptoms.

Relief with Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy has been utilized for centuries as a natural method to promote both mental and physical well-being through the inhalation of plant-based scents. By breathing in these essential oils, your brain receives signals that can impact your emotions, particularly by affecting the amygdala.

 This is why many individuals turn to essential oils as a form of mental health therapy, particularly for easing anxiety naturally and stress. However, scientific research on the efficacy of aromatherapy specifically for easing anxiety naturally treatment is still relatively limited, as its integration into modern medicine is relatively recent.

The Best Essential Oils for easing Anxiety naturally

Studies investigating the effects of essential oils have associated them with relaxation and improved sleep quality. Here are some recommended essential oils known for their potential in alleviating anxiety symptoms.


Lavender stands as a favored choice among essential oils for inducing relaxation. Scientific studies have indicated that inhaling lavender scent can effectively lower anxiety levels and promote better sleep. Recent research has also pointed to lavender’s interaction with the limbic system, the brain region responsible for emotions, contributing to a sense of tranquility.

To incorporate lavender into your bedtime routine, consider adding a few drops to your bathwater mixed with a carrier oil like coconut oil. Alternatively, use a diffuser in your bedroom to enjoy the calming aroma throughout the night.


Sandalwood has garnered attention in research alongside popular essential oils such as lavender and orange, demonstrating its efficacy in reducing anxiety levels.

To harness its benefits, consider blending sandalwood with lavender essential oil in a diffuser to enhance relaxation and promote better sleep hygiene.

Notably, the harmonious combination of these oils not only offers therapeutic effects but also provides a delightful natural fragrance reminiscent of being surrounded by nature.


Scientific investigations on frankincense and its impact on anxiety remain scarce, yet findings from a single study suggest its potential in alleviating anxiety symptoms, particularly in pregnant women.

Utilizing frankincense involves blending it with a carrier oil for topical application on the feet before bedtime, or alternatively, diffusing it for inhalation.


In a recent study, participants recovering from orthopedic surgery reported reduced anxiety levels upon inhaling lemon essential oil. Additionally, lemon oil has been associated with enhanced cognitive function and alleviation of morning sickness in pregnant individuals

These benefits contribute to overall stress reduction and anxiety relief, making lemon oil a favorable option for managing anxiety symptoms. To reap its benefits, simply apply a few drops to a cotton ball and inhale gently when feeling anxious or nauseous.

Clary sage:

Research findings suggest that clary sage essential oil has the potential to reduce cortisol levels and mitigate stress. To harness its benefits, consider diffusing clary sage during tense moments or inhaling its scent gently to promote relaxation amidst anxiety.


Chamomile is frequently featured in calming teas renowned for their relaxation properties. Although studies have demonstrated its effectiveness in reducing symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder when consumed as a tea, research on its efficacy as an essential oil remains limited.

Typically utilized for its antioxidant properties, chamomile tea is favored for promoting sleep and is a common ingredient in relaxation blends. When using chamomile essential oil, it’s important to note its potency, requiring only a small amount for diffusion to experience its soothing effects.


Studies on pregnant women have demonstrated the beneficial impact of inhaling orange essential oil during labor, resulting in decreased stress and anxiety levels.

Combining this oil with others like sandalwood can further enhance its effectiveness in promoting relaxation and overall well-being during the childbirth process.


Research on the use of rose essential oil as a massage aid has shown promising results in reducing both anxiety and pain associated with conditions such as menstrual discomfort and pregnancy.

To benefit from its soothing properties, consider diluting the oil with a carrier oil or incorporating it into your preferred moisturizer. Apply the mixture to the soles of your feet before covering them with socks to allow for absorption and promote relaxation.


Ylang-ylang essential oil is renowned for its multifaceted benefits. Research indicates its efficacy in easing anxiety naturally and promoting relaxation due to its sedative properties.

Additionally, ylang-ylang contains linalool, known for its anti-inflammatory effects, which can aid in reducing inflammation. For a calming ambiance, diffuse ylang-ylang essential oil throughout your home to experience its soothing effects.


Although research on jasmine essential oil’s impact on easing anxiety naturally is limited, some individuals have reported mood-enhancing and calming effects from inhaling its scent.

These favorable outcomes may contribute to reduced anxiety levels. Experiment with diffusing jasmine essential oil in your home to assess its mood-altering effects firsthand.


Bergamot is a fun essential oil that can do wonders for your stress levels. Research shows that bergamot can signal your brain to release dopamine, decreasing stress and boosting your mood.

A further study also suggested that bergamot can lower stress levels and be more effective than resting. With this essential oil, you can diffuse it around the house near bedtime for a relaxing atmosphere as you fall asleep.


While research on vetiver essential oil’s anxiety-relieving effects is scarce, studies indicate its potential to enhance brain function and promote better breathing during sleep.

 Inhaling the scent of this essential oil while sleeping may aid in easing anxiety naturally by improving sleep quality and clarity of thought. Consider adding vetiver essential oil to your diffuser before bedtime to experience its soothing benefits throughout the night.


Patchouli essential oil has been historically employed in Ayurvedic practices for its reputed stress-relieving qualities, although empirical research remains limited. Notably, a study involving nurses who inhaled patchouli oil observed reduced stress levels compared to a control group.

To harness its potential benefits in your daily routine, consider diffusing patchouli essential oil to cultivate a tranquil atmosphere or directly inhaling its fragrance during moments of heightened anxiety.


Research on geranium essential oil, particularly its effects on pregnant women, indicates its potential in alleviating stress and anxiety during labor. Known for its soothing properties, geranium oil is believed to offer therapeutic benefits for reducing stress levels.

To incorporate its benefits into your routine, consider inhaling the fragrance directly from the bottle or applying a few drops to a cotton ball for gentle inhalation during times of heightened stress.

Sweet basil:

Although research on sweet basil is limited, early studies on animals hint at its ability to reduce inflammation, and easing anxiety naturally, and enhance sleep quality. Consider incorporating sweet basil essential oil into your relaxation routine by diffusing it to create a tranquil atmosphere during times of stress or restlessness.

Are Essential Oils Harmless?

In general, yes, but it’s important to be cautious. Since essential oils are not regulated, their quality can vary widely from one product to another. Diffusing essential oils in public spaces or at home may affect people differently.

For instance, while peppermint essential oil is often used for headaches, it can cause agitation in babies under 3 years old. To ensure safety and effectiveness, it’s advisable to consult with your primary healthcare provider before using essential oils.

Side effects of using essential oils

Potential adverse effects of essential oil usage may include:

  • Skin allergies
  • Skin irritation and burning sensations
  • Headaches
  • Exacerbation of asthma symptoms

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